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Customized DOT Compliance Management Systems


For new trucking operations, whether for-hire or not, getting your DOT compliance systems in place during your first 30 days in busniess is absolutely critical.  Statistically, if a company waits beyond about 30 days after start-up to actively pursue putting together their DOT compliance systems, it will likely never be a very compliant company.  At a minimum, there will be several items that will "fall through the cracks" on a regular basis, and there are actually some items that must be completed within those first 30 days.  CCM can provide you with a complete DOT compliance system set-up service that will ensure that, from the beginning, your company will be well within the boundries of compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in the six major focus areas of:                                                                                                                                                


           1. Driver Qualifications (hiring practices and recordkeeping)                                                        
          2. DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing (forms, compliant policy, procedures)                                                    
          3. Financial Responsibility (insurance recordkeeping requirements)
          4. Hours of Service (forms, policies, and procedures for keeping driver duty status records)
          5. Accident Recordkeeping (forms and procudures)
          6. Vehicle Inspections & Maintenance (forms, policies, and procedures)


This service is provided on-site at your location, and includes training of your designated personnel on how to maintain compliance on an on-going basis.  The benefits of this service to your company don't stop with just getting you in a position to successfully navigate your way through a DOT audit (such as the new entrant safety audit that is mandatory within 18 months of issuance of a new USDOT number).  The greater benefit is that this service ensures that, in the event of an accident that leads to a lawsuit against your company for damages, you can rest assured that the plaintiff's attorney will not be able to use "failure to maintain compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations" as a bullet against you in court.

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FMCSA (formerly ICC) Authority & USDOT Number Filings


We can assist you with the process of filing for your federal interstate common or contract carrier authority from FMCSA, as well as your USDOT number.  Our fees are very competitive, and include handlling all of the paperwork issues, providing your required process agent service, and coordinating with your insurance provider to get the necessary proof of insurance filings completed as quickly as possible.  Our goal is to stay on top of your filing so that you get your authority as quickly as possible.  We offer a very personal level of service in this area and stay in contact with you regularly throughout the process so you stay as informed as we are about your filing status.  We also offer the service of filing for your base state IFTA account in conjunction with this service.

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Driver Log Auditing


Driver logs, and the failure to properly audit them and follow up with documented counseling regarding the violations, are the cause of a large percentage of the fines imposed by the DOT each year.  And since the implementation of the new DOT hours of service rules, driver log audits have come under ever increasing scrutiny.  We offer two levels of log auditing services.   Level 1 audits cover basic form and manner of logs and review each driver's logs for Hours of Service (HOS) violations.  In Level 2 audits,  we perform falsification reviews where the logs are compared to fuel records, toll tickets, citations, etc., in addition to what we review for in a Level 1 audit.  Independent third-party log audits not only lighten your administrative workload but also add credibility in the event of litigation.

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DOT Random Drug & Alcohol Testing Selection Consortium


CCM is now offering random drug and alcohol testing selections through our new consortium services.  We can place your regulated employees (DOT / FAA / PHMSA / USCG) into an appropriate random selection consortium to facilitate your random selections. 

In addition, if you have non-regulated employees whom you wish to randomly test for drugs and/or alcohol, we can place them into our non-regulated selection consortium or, if you prefer, we can create a company-specific selection pool to draw from as well.  The choice is yours to make!  

For more info on this new service, you can download the program agreement and enrollment form here.

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New Entrant Safety Audit Preparation


Each company who registers with FMCSA for a USDOT number is automatically entered into the New Entrant Audit Program and you will be audited within the 18 month period immediately following the issuance of your USDOT number.  Beginning in early 2009, the FMCSA's New Entrant Safety Audit process changed from a primarily educational audit to an enforcement audit which must be passed to continue operations.  FMCSA has developed a list of 16 points for the new entrant audit, and only ONE failure (non-compliance) in any of 14 of the 16 audit points will result in automatic failure of the new entrant audit.  Points 15 and 16 (Hours of Service and Perodic Inspections) only allow for a 50% non-compliance rate, and either of these will also result in an automatic failure.  Compass Compliance Management can assist new entrant companies in their preparations to pass this now critical audit.  Whether through providing compliance resources to help you set up your own compliance program or through on-site consulting and assistance in building your compliance program and preparing for the new entrant audit, Compass Compliance Management can help you be prepared for your first real test with FMCSA.

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Periodic DOT Compliance Reviews


Employing an outside firm to perform a DOT compliance review gives you an opportunity to review your compliance status from a completely objective, unbiased perspective.  After all, that's the perspective a DOT auditor will have when performing an official audit.  Our compliance review process covers the full range of auditable items such as driver logs and Hours of Service issues, vehicle inspections and maintenance records, training records, accident recordkeeping, insurance, driver qualification files, and drug and alcohol testing records.  A comprehensive summary is provided after each review and assistance is included in bridging any gaps that are discovered.

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Periodic OSHA Compliance Reviews


Similar in nature to a DOT compliance review, we can conduct a review of your OSHA compliance status by conducting an on-site review of your operations.  OSHA field auditors frequently state that most violations and citations could be avoided by simply conducting some form of periodic review of compliance with OSHA workplace regulations.  A comprehensive summary is provided after each review and recommendations are made for bridging any gaps that are discovered.

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On-Site Training Services


We provide quality, affordable training of your personnel covering a wide variety of topics such as: 











All of our training modules can be customized to meet your specific wants or needs, and all employees who complete a training class receive a certificate which also serves as a record of their training.


Online Training Services


Many of the training units listed above, as well as others not listed, are available through our online training platform.  For more information about our online training offerings, contact us by phone at (318) 512-1142 or by email at

  • Proper Logging/HOS Training

  • HazMat Driver Training (various sessions)

  • Load Securement Training

  • DOT Drug & Alcohol Policy Training

  • Forklift Certification Training (OSHA mandated)

  • DOT Compliance Management Training

  • The Dangers of Driver Fatigue

  • Distracted Driving Dangers

  • Backing Safety

  • The Decisive Driver (defensive driving alternative)

  • Reasonable Suspicion Training for Supervisors (DOT mandated)

  • Accident Scene Management Training for Drivers

  • Construction Zone Safety

  • Vehicle Inspections Training for Drivers

  • Load Securement Training

  • Railroad Crossing Safety

  • and MANY more topics

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Staff Training & Development


We also offer a variety of Human Resource level training modules that target support staff and management development.  By training your leaders and supervisors / dispatchers in items such as Basic Supervisor Skills, Teamwork Dynamics, Leadership Skills, Dealing Effectively with Difficult People, Business Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette, and Legal Issues Awareness for Supervisors/Managers, you will see a positive effect on driver retention.  The better trained your staff and support groups are in how to make others feel that they are a part of the team, the lower your driver turnover will be.  You will see the dynamics of your whole organization improve as well.  To learn more about our Human Resource level training, visit our affiliate company website,

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Our services are competitively priced and we offer multi-tiered volume discounts to clients who choose to utilize more than one of our services.  We also offer volume pricing based on the size of your fleet.   

Please take a moment to look at what our other clients have to say about working with Compass Compliance Management, and then give us a call or use the "Contact Us" link at the top of this page to request more information or a rate quote. 



DOT Consulting    DOT Audit Preparation/Response    Mock Audits    Driver Safety Training    Driver Log Auditing    Compliance Products    IFTA Fuel Tax Processing    Workplace Safety Programs    OSHA Compliance Consulting

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